Free Bitcoin

You can earn Free Bitcoin by participating in our program. The process is straightforward. Now let’s walk through the steps. This is something you should be a part of. You’ll want to share it with everyone you know whenever you see it.

  • It’s 100% free. You cannot beat that. All you have to do is sign up, download, and run. Check on it periodically to ensure it is working.
  • Totally authentic. Our company has been doing it for years. Some of us made tens of thousands ($value in USD) from this program.
  • And it’s easy as pie. So much so you will think it cannot possibly work.

Free Bitcoin with Smart Miner

START NOW: This offer could be closed to new Mining Partners at any time. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity: there’s never been a possible way to profit like this without any upfront investments. Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by. For you, this might be worth thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars. The value of this could actually be millions of dollars over time. Providing free bitcoins is a great way to spread wealth around the world.

free bitcooin

Enroll in this amazing program for 0.5mBTC (one thousandth of a bitcoin) just for joining (NO COST) and setting it up on at least one device.

Please note that your device must be a PC or an Android device. Macs are currently not supported. Each account may use up to 5 devices. For those with a MAC, see “MAXIMIZE your BITCOIN Earnings” below – so you can access the additional Bitcoin Earning methods available with this NEVER BEFORE SEEN program. I’m sure you will be glad you found this offer, it’s an amazing one. Our community is always searching for the BEST ONLINE OFFERS and sharing them. As with this opportunity, it is who you know and not what you know that gives you access to it.

Free Bitcoin – Get Started Today

To get started, follow these simple steps.

  1. Sign up here (this is the starting point)
  2. Once signed up, download the Smart Miner software. The software can be installed on up to five different computers. For each account.
  3. Then run Smart Miner as directed.
  4. If your firewall or anti-virus program flags it as malware, then you will need to create an exception. Be sure to contact us through the email system if you have any problems. Usually this works seamlessly, but we can help if necessary.
  5. Then, when the Software has been launched, it directs you to “Run Benchmark”. It is essential to run this, as it validates the installation and activation of the software.
  6. The adventure starts now. Once the Benchmark is run and completed successfully, you will be able to click on Start Earning. Go for it!
  7. PLEASE NOTE: The default setting will be “Smart”. This is a setting that runs only when your PC is not in use. It can be altered as needed. Occasionally, we modify ours to run at 90% all the time while we travel. That way we can make Bitcoins while we are away.
  8. Your Smart Miner can be used on up to five devices on the same account. The more you run, the more BTC you are able to earn.
  9. USE YOUR REFERRAL LINK TO GET OTHERS INVOLVED. Please see “MAXIMIZE your BITCOIN Earnings” in Step 3 below.
  10. Once you have earned Bitcoin, you can withdraw from your account from time to time by following the easy to withdraw steps. COINBASE or a similar trusted online Wallet for Cryptocurrencies is required for this step.

When it comes to free bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, timing is everything.

It certainly holds true here. It’s been years since we started doing this. This is still the case today, only BTC’s worth is increasing steadily as it grows. Amazing.

Here is how you can get Free Bitcoin. You can get it all day, every day! You should be able to get up and running in just 3 to 10 minutes because it is super easy to join and install!

MAXIMIZE your BITCOIN Earnings: Powerful. Simple. Fun.

Now that you are set up its all about the Maximization of this opportunity. Not set up yet? Do you hate income? NOPE? Good… get going. (DO IT NOW AND HERE IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY) you will be able to access the simple and awesome Referral Program.  This is also 100% Free and just happens when you share your referral link and get others to join in. As a result you can get your family, friends, loved ones, co-workers, and neighbors to share in this fun. This is a perfect way to introduce Cryptocurrencies to others. We know it is the future, and many will miss out on key times to win. Share so they can become part of the conversation and fun of it.

WARNING: We already know this works. It is real. YOU DO NOT want to be kicking yourself in months or years because you missed out on a true GIFT. Get Started – take action now! This is not investing into BTC. This is participating in the WIN that BTC has become.


THIS IS A GLOBAL CURRENCY. You can refer this program to anyone. They can earn Free Bitcoin, and you get rewarded for referring them to this. And you get rewarded down 7 generations of referrals.

Want to DREAM what this can create?  It is not hard for us to do. We have been using this incredible program for years now. We have seen some gain $hundreds and even $thousands from this.

Let’s say you started today, and in a year had earned 60mBTC; that is 60 Thousands of a Bitcoin. Then let’s say Bitcoin was at $60k in value. That would mean that your earnings from participating in this program would be worth $3600. Should Bitcoin hit $1Million per BTC; your 60mBTC would then be worth $60,000.00. We have seen the potential, and we love this program.

If you want to withdraw your Bitcoin earnings as well as access it or use it, we recommend you use an online wallet or exchange such as COINBASE (Get it for free here).

Plus, reply to any of our emails from our E-mail system (Register to the right of this page) ===========>>>>. We have access to education and more ways to gain in Cryptocurrency programs. We are all about making the World a better place with Blockchain Innovation and Cryptocurrencies (That are the Real Deal).